Home / Tokico Flow Meter / Get to know the functions and advantages of the Tokico Vertical Type

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04 August 2022 Tokico Flow Meter

Get to know the functions and advantages of the Tokico Vertical Type

The development of the current era has made technology in the industrial sector grow rapidly with the existence of equipment innovations that are created. One of them is tokico flow meter. Flow meter is one of the tools used for the first industrial field to measure the volume of water and water discharge in a container.


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You can usually find flow meters in building and food production to measure liquids or powders in containers of a certain width. Simply put, a flow meter is a fluid measuring instrument to measure the rate of water, or gas, to powder made through technological advances that adjust the purpose, benefits, and functions.


Tokico flow meters have various types according to their needs but these types have the same function. however, you also need to know the type of flow meter to suit your needs. However, you need to know the type of flow meter, which is as follows.


-          FRO Series


Tokico flow meter is a measuring instrument that is commonly used in Indonesia. Because this type of flow meter is the first type to come out and currently has a different version, namely the latest version. The two versions are non-resettable counter and counter. The difference between the two is in its function, the old flow meter cannot be reset while the new flow meter can be reset.


-          FRP Series


The difference with the previous type is in its shape with a contact head while the FRO has a round head. However, this type has the same accuracy and function.


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Please note that the type of tokico flow meter will consist of several types of leg. In this review, a vertical flow meter will be presented. So that you can find out more about the type of vertical flow meter, see the following review.


Tokico Vertical Type is a type of flow meter that does not fluctuate, so this type of flow meter is specifically used for measuring flow in large volumes. Why is it called the vertical type, because the installation of this type of flow meter can be installed with a tilt angle of 45 degrees, usually used as a rotor combination.


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Tokico Vertical Type has the advantage that the rotor load is spread in several directions, namely the direction of its own weight or shaft bearing and the direction of the rotating load or radial bearing. This serves to inform that each bearing can get smaller and the bearing can last for quite a long time.


By recognizing the type of tokico flow meter, you can easily choose the type of flow meter according to your needs to avoid unwanted things. In addition, this can also help you to reduce additional costs.